On the Air: Inner Truth Podcast Episode #001: Conflict As A Gateway To Peace with Isa Gucciardi

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On the Air: Inner Truth Podcast Episode #001: Conflict As A Gateway To Peace with Isa Gucciardi

The Inner Truth podcast looks at the central questions of human life, what does it mean to be human, and how can we be fully alive? Inner Truth explores answers to these questions through ancient and contemporary spiritual wisdom along with insights from the fields of psychology, philosophy, and mythology. It also looks at the role of shamanism, meditation, and reconnection with nature as tributaries into the inner self, the wellspring of our inner source in knowledge.

In the premier episode, Inner Truth host David Newell catches up with Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. – Founding Director and lead teacher of the Foundation of the Sacred Stream – to talk about conflict, the ways we can take steps to resolve it, and how it can be a gateway to profound internal growth and healing.

Inner Truth Podcast Episode #001: Conflict As A Gateway To Peace with Isa Gucciardi


Episode Notes

• How do you initiate the conflict resolution process?
• What is the significance of equality and shared intention during a resolution process?
• How does having a dedicated space affect the dialogue process?
• How to work with that don’t want to acknowledge conflict
• Why accepting personal responsibility for your actions is the cornerstone of resolution
• How our inner wisdom can help guide us through resolution
• The role of the body in informing us of our subconscious patterns
• Why you don’t need forgiveness from someone else to move on
• The crucial role of self-forgiveness in any conflict resolution process

About Isa Gucciardi
Isa is the creator of the groundbreaking therapeutic model, Depth Hypnosis, which was born from her studies in transpersonal psychology, cultural and linguistic anthropology, comparative religion, hypnotherapy, and transformational healing.

In her counselling practice, Isa combines Depth Hypnosis and other elements from shamanism, Buddhism, and transpersonal psychology to guide people in process of conflict resolution. Her resolution process, discussed in her book Coming to Peace, works with both and inner and outer conflict examination to go deep into the dynamics of conflict and highlight the ways we can become entrenched in conflict both with other people and within ourselves.

The essence of the Coming to Peace resolution process is that all conflict can be used as a gateway to profound personal reflection, healing, and transformation. The peace we seek is right in the heart of the conflict we so often try to avoid. It can be found if we examine it in the right setting and with the right framework at hand. Most important to the resolution process is the recognition of the deep and unbroken connectedness that we share as human beings. Meeting that truth we find a pathway to reconciliation and wholeness.

About Inner Truth
Through weekly conversation, Inner Truth brings together leading thinkers, speakers, and healers that are at the forefront of these questions. The discussions are aimed to inspire deep internal inquiry and positive change in the lives of listeners.